Who We Are
Words from Paul Wollner
Our President.
NRS' goal is to help our members control the future of their businesses, by owning their IP addresses; and to create a free market for IP addresses. We empower and protect resource members' interests and their businesses.
As NRS President, I work with every member in Number Resource Society (NRS to help them own their IPs and have a voice in Internet governance organizations. I work with all the resource members towards a better future for their businesses.
NRS, and myself as President, believe that our core strength grows from the community. We are diverse, inclusive and open and welcome, and appreciate, different contributors from members to take part in the policy making process.
At the heart of my work for you is this one sentence: "Let's work together, create a better internet that we would like the future generations to have".
That is our mission and thank you for your ongoing support in making the internet a better place.
Our Story
In the old days, IP Addresses were just identifying numbers and it used to be free. Later, Number Resource Government Bodies were established to distribute internet resources efficiently to different organizations worldwide .
Number Resource Society was established to ensure that members, wherever they are in the world, have a strong community voice standing up for their interests.
We fight for the rights of resource owners who own unique rights to use those IPs in a cooperative Internet world.
We want to make the IP addresses policy discussions accessible for all community members, to turn difficult jargon into accessible knowledge.
We campaign to give business owners their right and voice again by helping them own their IP addresses.
Our mission is to help business owners take back control of their own businesses, by empowering our members and giving them the voice they need to demand their rights of owning their IP addresses.
We take responsibility to educate our members on IP address policies and keep our members fully informed and updated of the current development of IP address policies.
NRS: Own your IPs, own you business, own your future.