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Get ready to vote!

AFRINIC: get ready to vote for a better future


Elections for AFRINIC’s new board will take place shortly!


For years, AFRINIC has been controlled by a small group of Directors and senior staff who enjoyed huge salaries, expense accounts and travelled the world using your money.  They got so addicted to their lifestyle that they have spent the last couple of years spending your money trying to argue in court that they were entitled to keep their roles and their lavish benefits and to stop elections from taking place to replace them.


The independent and impartial Supreme Court of Mauritius rejected AFRNIC’s attempts to stop you having your say in new elections.  The Court has ruled that there are no Directors, no CEO, and no member of staff has an authority to take decisions.   NRS welcomes that an independent Judge has ruled, once again, that AFRINIC elections must take place soon to elect new Directors.


If you want to see a better future for AFRINIC you need to get ready to vote.


By voting for change, you can send a signal to the old Directors and old senior staff that their time is over.  Their lavish lifestyle, expense accounts, and days of world travel are over.  Instead, by coming together and voting for a bottom-up, member led organization that works in the interests of all members not just the privileged few we can build a new and better AFRINIC.


You can no longer trust that the old AFRINIC team will provide free and fair information in relation to the election.  After all, they have spent years and millions of dollars trying to stop you having your say.  


Sign up now to NRS alerts about the election process, how to vote, new candidates and their positive policy proposals that will work for you.


If you want a new AFRINIC, you need to vote for it!


Follow NRS.Help for more information.

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